Blood death knight mage tower
Blood death knight mage tower

Blood has a versatile defensive and offensive toolkit, which comprises of numerous smaller defensive cooldowns than other tanks, aimed at countering certain scenarios. Your anguished cries will be testament to my unbridled power. The Blood specialization has an engaging playstyle, using self-healing through Death Strike as a primary source of damage mitigation. When my work is complete, you will beg for mercy - and I will deny you. You can check my Armory and I have gotten loot from all legion dungeon bosses (not all appear because u can get loot that u can't use and that doesn't appear in the armory)ītw, if I'm not online the armory will show my dk with UH spec, I do that cuz my items dissapear if I log out in blood spec, but I have killed the bosses in Blood spec with the weapon using the mage tower skin. In the process I made 2 tickets, the first one was answer telling me to search NPCs, Achievements or spells in data base (wtf) and the second one was answered telling me to post in forum so I'm doing it. Then someone told me I should do it on hc diff, so I farmed, again, all dungeons that I had done before in NM diff but now on HC diff, even whole Violet Hold again, but I still don't have the recolor. I even killed all Violet Hold bosses and at the end I didn't get the recolor. Bug description: Hi, I got the mage tower skin on my blood dk, then I went to farm the legion bosses to get the recolor, first, I did it on NM difficulty and HC for the dungeons that can't be done on NM diff.

Blood death knight mage tower